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More Happy Waves

>> Saturday, March 30, 2024

Hello Crafty Friends,

Today, I have one more happy wave card made with the fun Happiness Comes in Waves Greeting. 

The waves were made using the wet-on-wet watercolor technique creating waves with flowing brush strokes and different colors. I also added a bit of white gouache to some of the waves and a bit of Stickles. The little surfer girl was added to the cut-up sentiment for an element of fun.

I hope you have a wonderful Easter weekend.




Robin Clendenning said... 1

Another amazing card with fantastic watercoloring!!! Ilove that ocean waves background you painted also very cool surfer girl!

Lisa said... 2

Oh my goodness this is a great card for anyone that surfs. What a wonderful Hang 10 card. Gorgeous background too.

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