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A Triple Play

>> Saturday, January 17, 2009

by Sue W.


I spent last weekend in Dallas, Texas demonstrating our Ribbon Slides at a stamp show. My "interactive demo" has been a fun way for me to work jointly with my customers. This year as I started our show season I decided to give my customers more freedom and choices than I have in the past - and boy did it pay off! In past demo's I've had everything cut and ready to create one of two cards (you could either make the green card or the pink card). This time I cut my paper using an assortment of colors, and then carried the color choices to the ribbon and markers, and instead of having to use the ribbon slide I used in my sample cards I had 8-10 to choose from. In most cases, as the ladies sat down they took less than a minute to make their selections and we were off.

Well let me tell you, I learned so much!! It was amazing the color combinations that passed in front of me that I never would have put together. My one regret is that I didn't have my camera with me to take visual reminders of my favorites (of which there were many!). I won't make that mistake again.

What does this have to do with this post, you ask????? Before I answer let me show you the 3 DRS stamps I'm using for this weeks project ~

It was while I was in Texas that I realized I needed to use the Star Ribbon Slide this week. When I designed the star I kept picturing it stamped on a multitude of colored papers using several ink colors. I'm embarrassed :( to say it never entered my mind to color the small sections separately. I'm not sure if the lady who inspired me had it planned or if it was a happy accident, but the marker she was using stopped working, so she picked up another one, and that one stopped working as well. In the end 4 markers stopped working and instead of asking for another copy of the slide she ended up coloring hers like stained glass, with random colors here and there. Once assembled it was beautiful! I'm too OC to do the random thing, but to color in the sections??? you bet!

Now I'm not usually very good at multi - tasking, so I think I out did myself this week.
We had a lot going on at DRS that influenced my card choice this weekend-
1.) Monday's DRS Blog challenge was to use a Ribbon Slide as a focal image - (sorry I'm late!)
2.) DRS was the sponser at the Card Positioning System website and they had a sketch challenge for us that I wanted to use as well
3.) I wanted to use the star ribbon slide

When I combined all of those elements together, this is what I came up with ~

One card to meet 3 needs - how efficient is that????? and it was simple too. I stamped the star ribbon slide on white paper using black pigment ink and used clear embossing powder. Coloring them in was fun using extra-fine point Sharpies. I stamped the birthday sentiment using purple dye ink and then stamped the star background on top using versamark ink and once again I embossed it using clear embossing power ( I brushed off the embossing powder that was on top of the sentiment) All I had to do then was punch the corners and layer the back of them with holographic paper and layer it all together.

Isn't is nice when it all comes together?

Happy Stamping ~



Stef H said...

WOW! This is fantastic! I have those stamps except for that ribbon slide. Definitely will have to add it to my stash!

Those colors are gorgeous!

Heather said...

WOW! Your stars look fantastic! I love how you colored them! Great job with the sketch too!

Cathy Rulli said...

Such a cool card!!

Jennifer E. said...

Awesome! Sue, I agree, that star just pops with all of the different colors! Great job completely all 3 requirements!

Jessica G. said...

I never would have thought to color the stars in mulitple colors, but they are gorgeous that way! What a fun, vibrant card!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous Sue!! I love the bright colors on this!! :) Wonderful work with those ribbons slides!!

Janette said...

very pretty Sue- love how you used the star ribbon slides

Etha said...

Oh wow I love the way the stars are colored!! they totally rock :)

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