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A Trip Back.....

>> Sunday, January 18, 2009

posted by Samantha

Happy Sunday everyone! Thanks so much for stopping by. I have a confession to make (and please don't hate me for it) - I'm not a stamper. Not really anyway. I've worked with rubber stamps almost all my life (not doing the math!!) and I can stamp a card when I need to, but it's not my hobby. I'm more of the behind the scenes person around here, doing the paperwork, organizing things and such. When I see what everyone creates with these stamps, I'm just stunned by their beauty, cleverness and originality. So, when Sue asked me to post to the blog today, I was really at a loss for what to do. I certainly couldn't stamp something to share with you, you'd laugh me right off the internet! So, I'm going to share with you some of my favorite cards that have been created by our design team.
I've had the wonderful opportunity of working with a group of women over the past 6 months on our new design team and it's been really fun. Since we started the team, I've probably looked at, drooled over and scanned over 1000 cards and projects and at first I was going to just choose my favorites. Well, that list was going to be waaaay too long, so I decided to pick a favorite from each designer. These are in no particular order, but I think they are all just wonderful.

Janette's Beautiful Birthday Card - This one is new and I just love it!

Cathy's Bright Flowers -It sure makes me smile. Cathy did this card so long ago she's probably forgotten all about it!

Angel's Scroll Frame Christmas Miracle Card -Isn't this beautiful?

Heather's Circle Butterfly Card - It's going to take a lot to knock this one off my favorites list.

Jennifer's Butterfly Postage Frame -We've had this design for years and never thought to turn it on it's side!!
Jessica K's Butterfly Blocks -This is so delicate and pretty!
Jessica G's Heart Balloon Sparkle Card - I just love these two colors together!!
Dawn's Pinky Snowman Card -Isn't he cute?
Etha's Gentle Butterfly Card -I'm chasing this butterfly wherever it goes!

Vicki's Pink Flower Hello -Cute, cute, cute!
Well, I hope you've all enjoyed my little trip. I had fun putting all these wonderful cards together for you to see. Please come back to visit us soon - the team is working on more cards right now!!


Cathy Rulli said...

What a great post!!!! Great cards everyone!!

Stef H said...

I'm with Cathy on this - what a great post and fabulous cards.

Ok, here's the but.... THERE ARE NO BAD CARDS! So whatever YOU do is great. Anyway, you should let us see them. We can all use a good laugh once in a while!

Great "behind the scenes" job too!

You totally rock!

Anonymous said...

Yes, ALL the cards are beautiful and Samantha, would LOVE to see something you've done!! :)

Jessica G. said...

What a great walk down memory lane -- it's always fun to see favorites! And I agree, this DT does amazing work!!

Heather said...

Great post! These are a lot of my favorites too!

Sue said...

Thanks for the trip down memory lane - beautiful scenery! It would have taken me all day to pick my favorites! Cheers to the best design team on the web!!!!

Janette said...

I love this Samantha! Thanks for sharing your favorites with us, it is so great to see some that we may have forgotten or not even seen

Angel said...

aw, such a sweet post!! thanks so much for everything and yes, our dt rocks!!

Etha said...

I'm with Stef here, I have rarely seen a card from a "non stamper" or beginning stamper that I didn't like. It will be what you stamped and will be just right :) But of course the behind the scenes people are utterly important and probably don't have a second left to play with ink :) thanks for the memory trip, how fun!

Dawn said...

I Loved seeing everyones cards and which ones were your faves! They were my faves too! What a talented group of ladies we have!

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