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Happy Wednesday!

>> Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Posted by: Heather

I hope everyone is having a wonderful week. Today I wanted to share a couple simple birthday cards. I wanted to share these to show that not all cards have to be complicated and time consuming. Sometimes we just need a quick and simple card. Both of these cards that I am showing today are simple layouts that could be made in less than 30 minutes (that is amazingly quick in my opinion - I'm usually a 1-2 hour per card maker).

Simply layouts that still give an elegant look:
I hope you all have a wonderful day! Thanks for stopping by!



Dawn said... 1

Heather... these color combos are so pretty and i love that cards CAN be simple! I tend to forget that ALOT and this is a beautiful remider! Wonder work... great inspiration!

Cathy Rulli said... 2

Nice layouts...tfs

Anonymous said... 3

So gorgeous Heather!! Beautiful shimmer on those flowers and the layout on the second card is awesome!! ;)

Jessica G. said... 4

Beautiful cards, Heather! The orange reminds me of summer -- perfect for those summer birthdays!!

Sue said... 5

Quick is sometimes the way to go, thanks for sharing your ideas

Deb said... 6

This Basic Grey paper is one of my favorites! Love these flame colors and the beautiful shimmer!

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