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Little gifts...

>> Saturday, November 22, 2008

posted by: Cathy

sometimes mean more than those big, expensive, trendy gifts. Today I have a "little gift" idea for you. This can be a stocking stuffer, secret Santa, mother/daughter, sister/sister...(you get the idea) kind of gift!

A while ago, I came across a publication call for a outdoors/forest type project and this was my wasn't picked up :-( but that just means that now I can share it with you!! :-) Anywho, when I saw the call, this project is what popped into my head! I had a pack of wooden tags sitting in my drawer for some time (no shock there if you're a regular reader of my blog!) and I thought they would be the perfect "base" for the DRS toadstools (forest theme!) and grass image (this is a must have can always use a grass image like this one!

I started by painting the wooden tags in apple green. Once the paint was dry, I brushed on some modge podge and let that dry. In the meantime, I cut my circle and tag shape from cardstock and stamped my images in black craft and then heat embossed them. The grass was stamped in garden green dye ink. I then colored with markers and sponged on the grass and sky. I adhered the cardstock to the tags, brushed on a little bit of brown ink with a cotton ball and then added another layer of modge podge. Upon drying, I added an aged eyelet (Making Memories) to each tag and then attached my leather roping (dollar store purchase)to make them into necklaces.

This was a fast, easy and inexpensive project. Great for family craft time or a scout meeting. The modge podge doesn't take too much time to dry as long as you don't overdo it.

Thanks for stopping by today...if this inspires you to make something similar, we'd love to see it! Just post a link here so we can visit...or better yet, in addition to posting a link, send us a photo by email so we can include it in our customer gallery!

Stay tuned...on Monday we begin another challenge...we'd love for you to play along so be sure to stop back!

See you soon...


Anonymous said... 1

What a darling gift!! :) Thanks for the great idea!!

Jessica G. said... 2

Beautiful tags! What a fun idea for a gift basket decoration, too.

fishlips said... 3

What a totally neat idea... I have never used modge podge...Thanks I will have to try it because this is just super looking!!!!!

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