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Challenge #9

>> Monday, November 24, 2008

Welcome!! Today begins Challenge #9 here on the DRS Designs DT Blog!!! Today we are using the DRS postage frame/envelope art stamps as our focal points!! These stamps are great for....well, the front of your envelopes of course!! There are images for every holiday and occasion, but why limit yourself to only using them on your envelopes, why not make them the main part of your project??? So, go ahead, pull out your postage frames and get to work!! Be sure to let us know if you participate by posting a link here so we can come visit you. If you post to an online gallery, be sure to use the keyword DRSC9 so we can find it!!!

Check below for inspiration from our designers...

Vicki Parson/ Stamped Smiles

Cathy Indelicato/Crafty Thoughts...

Etha Schuette/blog

Angel's gift tag/Angel'sCreative World:

Jennifer's "Butterfly Thank you!" can be seen at Ink N' Scrap Habits

Jessica G's Postage Frames' New View uses the envelope art stamps to frame a 3-D sunflower and to create a window to view an inside sentiment:

Dawn at Dawns Rubber Room made a keepsake magnet with her photo frame. The details are at Dawnsrubberroom

Be sure to take a look as these make great little gifts for loved ones across the miles!

Janette's sparkly snowman/ Stampin with Style

Jessica K / There She Goes

Heather Lee-Reppen's Shimmery Christmas / The Best in Life


Etha said... 1

Beautiful work ladies!! I reallly love Jennifer's thank you card, so pretty.

Heather said... 2

These are all terrific ladies!

Dawn said... 3

You all came up with some wonderful ideas! Loving the creativity shown here!!! Bravo!

Jessica G. said... 4

What fun ideas! It's so amazing to see how many creative ways we can use these beautiful stamps!

Janette said... 5

all of these are so pretty! I love seeing all the ideas with the postage stamps- now there are just more stamps to add to the wish list LOL.

Cathy Rulli said... 6

Great job ladies...I knew you could do it!!!!

Angel said... 7

wow, all SOOO beautiful!!!! awesome work on this challenge, ladies!!

Anonymous said... 8 girls are WAY too clever!! Such awesome ideas with this challenge!! I am totally blown away with all the different ideas that I never would've thought of with these images!! :)

Jennifer E. said... 9

All of these cards are so stunning! We all have such great ideas! Nice job everyone!

fishlips said... 10

Hats off to all the ladies.... your cards are all so stunning and fantastic looking! Each and everyone are so amazing looking!!!!

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