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What a View

>> Sunday, November 1, 2020


If I had this kind of scene I would be out walking every day but alas this kind of scenery is not any where near me so I created it on a card.

I stamped the mountains twice using the MOUNTAIN & TREELINE 2 IN 1 SCENE - 045P image. Then I stamped the trees from the scene 3 times in different shades and colors. I colored the mountains grass with copics.

Next I stamped the SILHOUETTE HIKER - 1026G and colored his hill and grass with copics. I cut off the edge of the hiker to add dimension to the card and popped that up on dimensionals.

I finished with stenciling in the sky with blue and pink.

I dream of getting out on a vacation to see the mountains.

Thank you for stopping by to check out my card.


Robin Clendenning said...

Cool guy card! My hubby would love it since he loves nothing better than hiking in the mountains!
Fantastic idea Lisa!

nwilliams6 said...

Lisa, some very cool stamping here!!! I love your popped up hiker and the great mountains and trees. So well done and creative. Hugz

Karin said...

What a fabulous scene and awesome coloring to bring it to life! I love that it can be a masculine card too...I always need ideas for those!

Sue said...

"Outstanding" card Lisa!! Great masculine card, but actually good for any hiker. Love the triple line of trees and double line of mountains and the beautiful valley below!

Julie- justwritedesigns said...

Wonderful hiking card, Lisa! That hiker sure has a view, doesn't he? Great use of the mountains & trees.

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