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Challenge #228 - Play Ball!

>> Thursday, May 26, 2016

Welcome to the DRS Thursday Challenge!

First, the Winner from the Random Drawing....
Bridie Payne 

Congrats, you are the winner from our Inspired by Color Challenge!  
Please contact us at to claim your prize. 

 This week's challenge is oh so sporty..

Play Ball!

 (use any image, die cut, paper, technique... but feature a sport that uses a ball..think baseball, football, golf, soccer, billiards, basketball, tennis, etc..

To enter, show us your card  by linking it below. The deadline for this challenge is Wednesday, June 1, at 6:30 pm ET and please link new creations only (no back dated or duplicate entires)We are now limiting the number of entries to 3 per personChallenge entries don't have to use DRS Designs stamps, but if you use them on your challenge card, you'll get an extra entry into the prize drawing.
From all of the entries we receive, one lucky winner will be chosen to receive a 20% off coupon to the DRS Designs store!

Here are some sporty creations from our talented DRS Design Team and we'd love for you to leave us a comment!





nwilliams6 said... 1

Some really fun golf cards here - love how we all went in a totally different direction on them!!!! Hugz

Karin said... 2

Awesome cards today everyone!

Robin Clendenning said... 3

Cute cards everyone of them!!

Janett said... 4

Great cards today.

Sue said... 5

Wonderful cards for every golfer I can think of! And each one completely different! Love it!

Julie- justwritedesigns said... 6

Terrific cards, everyone! Great ideas for guys & dad cards!

Shelia said... 7

great cards, everyone!!

Sunshine HoneyBee said... 8

Abiding by rule limit of 3 entries. Surprised to see only 1 other entry. Have a Bee-utiful day!
"Sunshine HoneyBee"

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