Silent Bells

>> Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Sadly, my New Year's resolutions all fell by the way side for the 50th year in a row.  The one about getting all my Christmas cards done early and mailed out BEFORE Christmas didn't work again - even sadder is that I KNEW it wouldn't work when I made the resolution.  I am going to make it again next year because I am an optimist when it comes to resolutions AND I have a really good plan this year - I am joining a monthly Christmas card group.

Since I am still making Christmas cards for this year, here is my latest:

For some reason, when I was making the card, I had in my head that the sheet music stamp was Jingle Bells and not Silent Night Sheet Music.  That is why there are some Holly Jingle Bells the middle of the main panel.  I tried to cover up some of the words with a sentiment panel using the Small Merry Christmas Greeting, snowtex, water distressing, stenciling and sponging.  I still like how it came out and it makes me laugh when I think about it.  Wonder if the recipient will notice?  LOL.

I stamped the Bells in Versamark and rubbed chalk over it to make the image softly appear.  I have learned to love my chalks again after learning this technique. 

Hope your Christmas cards are all made and sent!



Robin Clendenning said...

You are so funny Nancy!!! I think you are a far better optimist than I am!! Heehee! You card is fun, geeze never would have thought to use Snowtex like that...looks like a blizzard!! Perfect for Christmas! Love it!

Shelia said...

Nancy, this is such a cool card! I love the snow! Really makes the card look festive.

Karin said...

I love your spunky optimism! LOL! Super card share today! I love the texture of the snow on top of the music and the soft images in the background!

Sue said...

I like your bells in the background! A very fun "artsy" Christmas card!!

Janett said...

Great card. I love the way you put these cards together.

Julie- justwritedesigns said...

This is so pretty, Nancy! Love the snow flecked sheet music w/ the green bells on top.


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